Here's my word for 2024...

Tending: to regularly or frequently behave in a particular way

This is me not attending to my office plants. Oops!

This is my word for 2024. I spent much of 2023 learning. Last year I invested in some educational courses to help me with my work and I invested in some extra counseling beyond my regular therapist to help me with lingering, annoying anxiety. I also took some time to learn more about friendship and how my own coping habits may negatively affect relationships that are important to me.

It was helpful! Except...

I do this thing where I live in my head intellectually and skip integrating what I learn into my body and daily habits. This results in me skipping from book, to counselor, to program...learning every little thing I can, thinking that if I just learn the correct thing, all my problems will immediately resolve.

Spoiler: Learning alone doesn't work. I must practice what I am learning. This part sucks grass. Why can't I just read the books and then everything is solved? *gestures hands at "everything"*

So this year, I am tending. Tending to my business, tending to my mental health and also tending to my relationships. Embedding a slow gentle integration of what I know into what I actually do. Whew. I got this...right?

If you are in a moment of TENDING like I am, cheers. We can do it.

I'm rooting for you!



Need to get on my schedule for a consult?


The Jubilee Theater in my hometown of Fort Worth is the original home of African-American theater in North Texas.  Growing up a theater kid, my mom would take me to see performances all over the DFW area, and I have fond memories of shows at Jubilee.  Now I have two theater kids of my own, and I can't wait to take them to see Sister Act later this year. 

Celeste Holbrook