What I see women struggle with most

After serving women in my practice for 11 years, I’ve had the privilege of noticing themes in what they want help with.  Yes, I talk to people about sex, but you and I both know that it is much more than sex.  

I see women wanting three main things:

  • to access their own pleasure

  • to harness and employ their own power

  • to find contentment and inner peace

Pleasure, power and peace.  Sounds fantastic, right?  I think so too. That is why I have joined with my longtime friend and general badass woman, Erin Baute, to create a workshop that addresses these three longings.  All this in just three days, April 26-28, 2024 in Valley View, TX.

Erin is a business and behavior strategist and helps women find their best selves through the helpful lens of the Enneagram.  In one of our conversations last year, we recognized that in her work and in mine, these three themes kept coming to the surface.

Power, pleasure and peace.

We are so delighted and proud to extend an invitation to you to join us on our first ever Rogue Retreat, where we will use our areas of expertise to help you find your unique and perfect blend of pleasure, power and peace.  

In three days of elevated personal support, you will:

 Discover what brings you pleasure.  


  1. Define and deconstruct current experiences of pleasure.

  2. Let go of definitions of pleasure no longer serving you.

  3. Allow the tolerance of contentment and pleasure:
    - Mindset / upper limit
    - Titration

Harness your power to live the life you desire.  


  1. Establish boundaries which protect your pleasure and inner peace.

  2. Identify your thought-habits and mantras.

  3. Create a framework for real-time pivoting.

  4. Learn the power of repair to build your resilience.

Refine your ability to recover and regulate in real-time.  


  1. Identify what recovery, regulation, and rest looks like for you and your body.

  2. Expand your window of tolerance and capacity for life’s challenges.

  3. Manage how urgency and scarcity show up for you.

  4. Slow down the need for fast fixes and create more space for aligned solutions.


Speaking of peace, I found this account randomly and quickly became obsessed with how Rochelle makes me feel all peaceful and content with her cleaning, organizing and self care content. Check her out!

Celeste Holbrook