Is it intuition or anxiety?

I often work with women who have grown up in purity culture and are exploring their first sexual experiences a bit later in life.  One of the questions that comes up as we talk is, "How will I know if it is my intuition guiding me or my purity culture anxiety holding me back?  What if I'm sexually exploring and I feel like I want to slow down or stop?  Is that me or is that my fear of sex?"




One of my favorite influencers in the mental health atmosphere is therapist and former LDS Tiffany Roe, who explains intuition as feeling like a sense of "resolve or relief versus a sense of panic."


One of the most straightforward ways to establish a more direct route to intuition is through your physical sensations.  Notice your breath, your tightness or your fuzzy twirly notes within your body.  Feeling shaky or sweating?  This could be anxiety.


Intuition feels less flighty, more solid.  Grounded. 


This week, practice noticing the sensations in your body when you are having a moment of unknowing.  You are worth the time it takes to bring awareness to your being before making a decision.  

Want more help with body sensations, intuition and knowing?

Check out my friend Erin Baute from @livingtheenneagram.

And please do consider joining us for a transformative retreat experience in April.  

Your body and your future will thank you!


Discover what brings you pleasure.  


  1. Define and deconstruct current experiences of pleasure.

  2. Let go of definitions of pleasure no longer serving you.

  3. Allow the tolerance of contentment and pleasure:
    - Mindset / upper limit
    - Titration

Harness your power to live the life you desire.  


  1. Establish boundaries which protect your pleasure and inner peace.

  2. Identify your thought-habits and mantras.

  3. Create a framework for real-time pivoting.

  4. Learn the power of repair to build your resilience.

Refine your ability to recover and regulate in real-time. 


  1. Identify what recovery, regulation, and rest looks like for you and your body.

  2. Expand your window of tolerance and capacity for life’s challenges.

  3. Manage how urgency and scarcity show up for you.

  4. Slow down the need for fast fixes and create more space for aligned solutions.


Check out speech pathologist and sensory barber Kevin!  You are going to love his sensory friendly haircuts.  He's one of a kind!


Celeste Holbrook