Do you experience enough pleasure?

Serious question.  Do you experience enough pleasure?  I'm not asking if there are enough pleasurable things in your life...I'm asking if you are experiencing pleasure.  In my life, there is fun, exciting, interesting, pleasant stuff all around me, but that doesn't mean I'm actually experiencing pleasure. 


These next few weeks we are going to focus on what it means to experience pleasure in a world on overdrive.   There is too much busyness, too much hurt, too much information to take in for any human to thrive without particular management skills, and I think one of those skillsets is the ability to experience goodness, enoughness and pleasure.


To get started, this week, I'd like for you to write down a few pleasurable experiences.  They might not be big.  They may even be somewhat insignificant to the outside world.  But if you took the time to sit in the soft satisfaction of happiness, write it down.  That was a pleasurable moment.  

Here are a few of mine from last week:

  1. The Christmas lights on our home.  They are blue and green and perfectly spaced per my husband's adept hand.  They are kind and soft and beautiful to drive up to.  I felt nostalgic and warm seeing them on for the first time.

  2. A perfect almond croissant.  Flaky, buttery and heavenly.

  3. Folding over, laughing hard with some old friends about something so dumb I don't even remember.  But I do remember trying to catch my breath from a long, much needed giggle.

Let's start here.  Just write down one pleasurable moment where you felt happy, satisfied or enjoyment in your bones.  Remember, you are worthy of pleasure.

Want some help with your sex life? 

From low libido to erectile dysfunction, I can help you and your partner figure out how to make sex better for both of you. 


It is rare that I would highlight a privileged white dude because this spotlight section is typically reserved for folks who live in marginalized bodies, but this guy is taking on the challenge of helping men recognize their role in the emotional/mental load imbalance and it's impressive. Check out his instagram for educational content about how men can step up and participate as an equal partner instead of "helping" with household tasks and emotional labor. 

Celeste Holbrook