What single people ask me about sex

How far should I go with my partner?  Can I have sex before marriage?  What does the Bible really say about sex?  Is masturbation a sin?

I'm often asked to speak at colleges or church singles / dating groups and I will give the participants an opportunity to ask an anonymous question on a 3X5 notecard.  The above questions are examples of some I get from single and dating Christians. 

I find these questions interesting because like much of sex, people want a black and white sexual handbook out there that says exactly what to do and not do.  And if you follow this magical set of rules, you will have amazing sex.  (We tried that, it was called Purity Culture.  It didn't work.  In fact, it harmed a bunch of people.)

It's understandable that we reach for this type of stark clarity in sex.  This happens because most of us are not given a comprehensive sex education where we are able to create a sexual ethic specific to our needs, environment, history, spirituality, body and emotions.  This is not a black and white process.  This is nuanced, time consuming and difficult. 

BUT it is possible

You can find freedom and confidence in your sexual choices by creating and following your own sexual ethic.  And it starts with a solid sex education.  

Which is good news.

Because you are on an email list of a badass sex educator, pawing at the ground to get you the information you need to help you feel that sexual freedom in your choices.

So here are some ways to get on the path to creating your own sexual ethic...


I'll be a speaker at this online conference and I'll be taking you through the process of how to build your own sexual ethic through the sexual hierarchy of needs.  There are also a TON of other fantastic speakers, and the ticket price is a no-brainer. 

To save on your ticket, use discount code : HODC10


Get one on one help from me and start your journey with a one-hour consult.  Leave our time together feeling more confident and free to make your own sexual choices with ease. 

One hour consults plus follow up homework  - $125


Our marketing maven Leslie asked me the other day if I knew about the Black Fairy Godmother and I was so sad that I did not!  Simone Gordon is a great example of how one person can directly change the lives of so many.  She simply connects people with needs to people who would like to help.  That's it and that's a lot.  One of the things she did this week was connect a woman who needed an air conditioner for her room to a person who could give an air conditioner.  Boom.  She is one of my favorite new follows this week.  Go give her some support and find a need you can fill! 

Celeste Holbrook