This makes me weak in the knees

I like a strong fragrance!

I have a muted sense of smell.  I think.

 I think this because I LOVE a strong fragrance.  Specifically, I love a man who smells like they wash their clothes in burned leather water and canoe shavings.  If he walks by and with the tang every combined man on the Jersey Shore?  I'm ripping out my IUD. 

 I don't care if he is a problematic, flat earther, felt hat in the summer, red flag wearing douche-yacht. If he smells like a cheap magazine Drakkar Noir sample? D-U-N done. 
 I've always been this way.

 Interestingly, my husband historically does not wear a fragrance.  I married him for his personality (lame) not his fragrance. Does he smell nice?  Yes, of course.  He has perfect hygiene and uses some crunchy crystal deodorant shit that actually works. But does he have a strong fragrance.  No.

 Recently, I asked if he would be willing to pick out a fragrance that he would wear, just for me.  Of course, being the gentleman that he is, he said yes.

 So we planned a date to Sephora to test out some cologne lines.  Truth be told we probably could have gone to Walgreens and I would have found a fragrance I liked, but we were trying to be fancy.

 After hilariously disagreeing on absolutely everything, we finally found a winner we both liked (Burberry Hero #notanad) and I make him wear it when we go to sleep so I have good dreams. 

 The end.  :) 

Rooting for you,

Don’t Forget!!

Make It Actually Happen Book Club is April 22!  We will be discussing a spicy scene in A Court of Silver Flames as well as some passages of your choice!

Don't forget!

Blow Him Away

Advanced Blow Job Class

at The Velvet Box

April 19th - 7pm to 9pm



Check out this cool place where you can send your used Eclipse glasses. 

Celeste Holbrook