A freebie for you!

It's Friday and I feel like sharing a freebie with you all! 

The Erotic Sandbox Activity

Use this worksheet to understand and discuss which sexual activities you and your partner are comfortable with, are uncomfortable with, and ones you would like to explore. Enjoy having clear and fun discussions with your partner about what you both would like to explore.

Click here to get my Erotic Sandbox Activity!

And if you enjoy the Erotic Sandbox Activity, you will LOVE the Sexual Clarity Workbook: Gentle questions to help you understand why and how you struggle with sex. 

I have created this workbook because I wished I had something this helpful when I was experiencing painful sex as a newlywed. I grappled with pain, shame and low libido far longer than was necessary because I didn't have the tools or resources in my life to help me understand why and how I was struggling. Sixteen years later, I'm honored to create useful, beautiful tools for you to explore your sex life so that you don't spend more time feeling confused and having to do mental gymnastics every time your partner wants to have sex. 

I hope you find this workbook just what you need to feel validated and clear on why sex is difficult for you. 



Check out a favorite poem of mine by Rupi Kaur. It makes me feel happy all the way to my toes.

Read it here!

Celeste Holbrook