When is your next date night?

No really, go to your calendar RIGHT NOW and see when it is.  Don't have one on the books? TRAVESTY!  This is your date night wake up call.  I will forever and always be asking my friends (of which you are one) about their date nights.  It is not a nice to have.  You MUST continue to find time alone together in long term relationships.  It is like surfacing after being underwater for a long time.  It is like waking up from a dark night.  It is necessary in so many ways.  Don't @ me with your objections about money, time, resources....I get it.  It is hard.  But there are ways around any of them.  Can you put the kids in front of the TV and sit outside for 15 minutes together without your phones?  BAM.  That's a date.  Can you make a Starbucks run just the two of you for 20 minutes?  DATE.  Can you rent a hotel room for a daycation while your kids are at camp to get frisky?  (The answer is YES with the website https://www.hotelsbyday.com!)

If you are in your relationship for the long, long haul, you must find time together alone.  Need more help?  Check out the sale I have going on my webinar replays.  Get all FOUR for the price of one.  Put the kids down, watch a sexy seminar in bed on your laptop and see what happens next!

Purchase from now until July 31st and get access and resources to all 4 webinars through August 31st for only $49!

  1. Talk Dirty To Me Webinar Replay

  2. My Sexy Valentine Webinar Replay

  3. Outercourse Webinar Replay

  4. 10 New Things to Try in Bed Webinar Replay

YOU'VE GOT THIS!  I'm rooting for you!


Celeste Holbrook